Monday, December 14, 2015

Rabbit's Diet

1. HAY

A very essential part of their diet and has to be accessible 24hrs. a day. This prevents their teeth from growing long and keep them from boredom. 


Water is very important too, always make it a point to give them fresh water everyday. A little tip for summer season is to add ice cubes to keep them cool.


I know some people who doesn't include this on their diet but I take this as their treat and limit on giving them 4 tablespoon a day


A common misconception here in the Philippines is that it's right to feed their rabbits "KANGKONG/WATER SPINACH" everyday but this isn't true, vegetables should be given in limited amounts and also needs to be taken as a treat for rabbits. Here is a list of fruits & vegetables that can be fed to our precious buns.


This is not necessary but I just love my buns so much. This is a DIY treat that I made, you can check the recipe in here and give it a try, I promise your buns will go crazy for it. Should only be given once every 2  days.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Where do I get rabbit pellets and hay in the Philippines? | Updated

I have been asked on Instagram where I get my pellets, so here's a detailed answer post. My bunnies at this time where still under 6 months so I give them pellets that has Alfa Alfa, when I have the time to go to Manila, I get them Jolly Fullvit Pellets from Pet Galore in Cartimar or if i'm busy I buy online from Pet's Corner. I know many online sellers but Pet's Corner offers the cheapest price plus they are very accommodating.

I also found Furry Friend's while strolling around Cartimar, it is sold per kilo about Php 70.00+ I opted to this for a while and repacked them myself, until I change their diet to timothy pellets.

I have tried Choppy Timothy Hay, which was okay but very expensive for me. I have also tried Versele Laga's Natural Hay, it's cheaper but the smell of it annoyed me, both of them you can find at Cartimar. Also tried Small Pet Select, very good quality of Timothy hay but it's not available in the Philippines, I got a 5lbs. box from Singapore and I don't think i'd be able to get another box soon. 

If you want to buy hay in bulks you can also check out The Princess Club. I haven't ordered from them but heard good reliable reviews, so I say go check it out to save your wallets from commercial hay products! But for now I opted for Chipsi Meadow Hay which I also got from Pet's Corner. It's only 450 for 4 Kilo plus the quality is nice for the price.

 For more questions feel free to ask me. Hope this helps, hop on! 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Basics | How I prepare his litter box

Hello! I just want to share how I prepare my bunnies' litter box. Before I didn't used beddings just newspapers but as they get older their pee gets more strong in odor so I decided to add bedding to their normal litter boxes and it has worked so well for me.

Here is the lost of things I used for their lotter box: 

Get your litter box

Then place the news paper or in my case sheets of an old book (I lined mine first with plastic to prevent the news paper 's ink to stick to the litter box) in the tray

I then add 4 handful of bedding to the tray and even it out.

Then I add the second layer of my tray. Most litter boxes sold in pet stores don't usually have this and are way too small so I decided to look for one and if you are wondering I got mine from Daiso/Saizen/Japan Home. It's pretty cheap about 88php.

And then I place a handful of natural hay. This step isn't really necessary but I wanted my buns to have a softer feel as prevention for sore hocks. 

And then I add the timothy hay on one side. 

That's it! I hope this could be of help for someone. Thanks for reading, hop on!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Rabbit supplies | HAUL

Hello Bunny lovers! I just recently got back from a trip and I went a little crazy with shopping for the Buns but it made me so happy. Anyway, I have a couple of big news, first, Cinnamon has sore hocks but she is on treatment right now. It's nothing critical, which is good and I plan to make a separate post for that. And the second big news is that Cotton is not a she but a he! This news was so stressful for me because I have to seperate them, especialy now that both of them are both sexually mature.

On to my Haul! Most of this stuff are ordered online for easier transport but I still went to a couple of pet stores in Singapore.

I wont go into too much detail as I plan to make a review for some of this but most of what I bought are food.

Thanks for reading, see you again in my next post. Hop on!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Hello Every Bun!

Hello fellow Hoomins! Cico Bunny is a blog intended for sharing my daily life with my Bunny (rabbit) Cotton! 
I decided to make this blog to help out fellow rabbit hobbyist, mainly here in the Philippines. We have very few resources for these furballs in here and from my experience it was very frustrating as to how small the community for rabbit hobbyist here.  I've had a very hard time when I started my research for my future rabbits in terms for their basic needs, i.e. food supplies, vet clinics and what not! That's why my goal is to be of help to local rabbit owners as I write about my experience with them. Join me as I venture further in the world of these adorable creatures! 
Please feel free to comment & message me for questions or even corrections! Thank you!