Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Basics | How I prepare his litter box

Hello! I just want to share how I prepare my bunnies' litter box. Before I didn't used beddings just newspapers but as they get older their pee gets more strong in odor so I decided to add bedding to their normal litter boxes and it has worked so well for me.

Here is the lost of things I used for their lotter box: 

Get your litter box

Then place the news paper or in my case sheets of an old book (I lined mine first with plastic to prevent the news paper 's ink to stick to the litter box) in the tray

I then add 4 handful of bedding to the tray and even it out.

Then I add the second layer of my tray. Most litter boxes sold in pet stores don't usually have this and are way too small so I decided to look for one and if you are wondering I got mine from Daiso/Saizen/Japan Home. It's pretty cheap about 88php.

And then I place a handful of natural hay. This step isn't really necessary but I wanted my buns to have a softer feel as prevention for sore hocks. 

And then I add the timothy hay on one side. 

That's it! I hope this could be of help for someone. Thanks for reading, hop on!

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