Monday, December 14, 2015

Rabbit's Diet

1. HAY

A very essential part of their diet and has to be accessible 24hrs. a day. This prevents their teeth from growing long and keep them from boredom. 


Water is very important too, always make it a point to give them fresh water everyday. A little tip for summer season is to add ice cubes to keep them cool.


I know some people who doesn't include this on their diet but I take this as their treat and limit on giving them 4 tablespoon a day


A common misconception here in the Philippines is that it's right to feed their rabbits "KANGKONG/WATER SPINACH" everyday but this isn't true, vegetables should be given in limited amounts and also needs to be taken as a treat for rabbits. Here is a list of fruits & vegetables that can be fed to our precious buns.


This is not necessary but I just love my buns so much. This is a DIY treat that I made, you can check the recipe in here and give it a try, I promise your buns will go crazy for it. Should only be given once every 2  days.

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